Estado actual de la fauna silvestre posdecomiso en el departamento del Caquetá – Colombia

Gloria Elena Estrada Cely, María Alejandra Guzmán-Ríos,Juan Pablo Parra Herrera

CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia(2019)

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The purpose of the investigation was to identify the current state of post-confiscation wildlife in the department of Caqueta, the regulatory framework related to the confiscation and post-confiscation management of wildlife in Colombia, the identification of the most frequently trafficked animal groups and the current functioning of post-confiscation figures in the department. Through the use of various strategies and tools of qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, it was possible to identify a national normative structure constituted by a dozen referents that establish 12 figures as possible post-confiscation destinations for wildlife, of which only the release and the passing home or network of friends are used in the department in a partial or modified way, so the environmental authorities must socialize and train the community in general, on the existence of rescue centers or centers of attention and assessment - CAV; care, assessment and rehabilitation center -CAVR; but especially of the network of friends of the wildlife, wildlife owners, zoocriaderos, museums and natural history collections, passages and zoos, promoting and facilitating its implementation. Among the most frequently received animal groups, birds were first identified, with the outstanding participation of parrots and parrots; followed by mammals, especially primates, sloths, anteaters, and opossums, among others, and finally, reptiles, being charapas, morrocoyes and iguanas, the most frequently identified.
Wildlife Trafficking
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