Reconocimiento automático de patrones y características de las imágenes de los cultivos como alternativa para el desarrollo agrícola

Juan José Bedolla Solano, Eleazar Pacheco Salazar, Silvestre Bedolla Solano

Pensamiento actual(2019)

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This work describes a methodology to identify the patterns or characteristics of the crops, using the software engineering recognition algorithms. This system processes information regarding the progress of the plants; for this, comparisons were made of images that were captured using VANT / DRONES Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as one of the resources of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and the objects contained in a Database that contain normal characteristics and abnormal of various plants such as mango, lemon and coconut palm. Data processing through the automated application generated favorable identification results through automatic crop recognition, since images with normal and abnormal characteristics were identified with the comparison process. The project will mainly benefit farmers, since the risks of crops caused by infectious insect pests entering crops (white mosquito) can be identified; In addition to other probable anomalies such as burns (dry leaf disease), which could hinder the optimal growth of the plant. With this, timely decisions can be taken to address crop risks with the support of the recognition system. The treatment of information regarding the progress of the crops generates an innovative proposal that incorporates technologies with wide possibilities for agricultural development on the coasts of Guerrero, Mexico. With the modernization and specifically the use of these automatic systems that manage and disseminate the information, the risks of agriculture can be addressed in a timely manner avoiding crop losses; having impacts on social, economic and environmental development by attending in a timely manner the risks or dangers presented in the crop.
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