Empatia no processo de cuidado em enfermagem sob a ótica da teoria do reconhecimento: síntese reflexiva

Revista Cuidarte(2019)

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Introduction: The humanistic and scientific integration between scientific knowledge and healthcare practices is intended to promote care within the constructive perspective of the mutual-aid and trust process, focusing on the effectiveness of care. The essence of nursing care is based on trust relationships and the link between the nurse and the person in care; empathy emerges within this logic as the tie that binds the mutual relations of care. Materials and Methods: This is a reflective study intended to discuss the care provided by nursing professionals through empathy, in the light of the Recognition Theory. Results: Data crossing was performed by means of a philosophical central concept and two characterizing categories: Empathy in contemporaneity and nursing as a science of care. The aim was to capture the essence of the recognition in this dialogic and reciprocal process. Discussion: The literature shows empathy –within the nursing care process– as a procedural and relational construction between the professional and the person that seeks to establish interdependencies under mutual and reciprocal trust. Recognizing the other through empathy is a necessary step to build up a relation of affection and esteem, aiming at establishing relations of trust and reciprocity. Conclusions: Empathy is developed in nursing care through the intimate and individual recognition of those involved, by means of respect, dignity, civism, compassion, and overcoming differences. How to cite this article: Zuchetto M, Engel F, Medeiros L, Hammerschmidt K, Schoeller S. Empatia no processo de cuidado em enfermagem sob a otica da teoria do reonhecimento: sintese reflexiva. Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(3): e624. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v10i3.624
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