Positive scarcity effect of virtual product position in hunger marketing situation based on the model of psychological ownership and relative deprivation

Yang Zhao, Yongchao Wu,S. L. Aarthy,M. P. Gopinath

Aggression and Violent Behavior(2021)

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Abstract As a frequently observed business phenomenon, the utilization of product scarcity to enhance its performance has received increasing attention in recent years. Hunger marketing is a marketing policy where goods suppliers intentionally limit product supply to achieve excess demand. In this paper, the Heterogeneous Heuristic Structural Equation Modeling (HHSEM) has been proposed to describe product scarcity's critical factors and how they impact both market and consumer with psychological inception. The data determined from definite deficiency depending on product suitability in the consumption level. For each case, the sensitivity analysis has been conducted to investigate the effects of the product compatibility with net sales and the data disclosure cost. The empirical outcomes suggest that the impact of scarcity on purchase intention and scarcity effects has been analyzed based on perceived value, uniqueness, and value.
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Key words
hunger marketing situation,psychological ownership,virtual product position,positive scarcity effect
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