Programa cubano de pesquisa neonatal de la hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita: una realidad. 2005-2014

Francisco Carvajal Martínez, Ernesto Carlos González Reyes,Tania Mayvel Espinosa Reyes, Amarilys Frómeta Suárez,Elisa María Castells Martínez, Ana Luisa Arteaga Yera, Pedro Lucio Pérez Morás

Ciencia y Salud(2021)

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Introduction: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (HSC) is the most common adrenal disorder in childhood and the most frequent cause of sexual ambiguity. The classic form, which represents the most severe causes of this deficit, is associated in 75 % with loss of salt. On the other hand, in the NB of the female sex that present severe degrees of virilization of the genitals. Objective: To present result of the application for ten years of the Cuban Neonatal Research Program of the HSC, supported by an inmmunoenzymatic procedure developed in Cuba. Result: In the period from January 2005 to December 2014, using the UMELISA 17 OH PROGESTERONA NEONATAL, 1 140882 RN were detected, for an incidence of 1:20373 RN. The coverage of the program has been increasing until2013 reaching 99.34 % of all Cuban RN. Conclusion: The existence of the Cuban HSC PN Program, has allowed estimating the incidence and increase knowledge of this disease in our country. PN has made possible the early diagnosis of patients with the salt losing variety, contributing to decrease in infant mortality nationwide. The Program has favored patients with virilizing form of the disease, through the correct assignment of sex.
hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita,pesquisa neonatal,17OHP,perdedor de sal
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