La tribu Potentilleae (Rosaceae- Rosoideae) en Argentina

Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica(2021)

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Background and aims: The taxonomic location of the Potentilleae tribe species in Argentina was highly controversial and intensely debated by various authors, in such a way that some merged genera, while others recognized them as valid taxonomic entities. These conflicts show the need for an updated taxonomic treatment. The objective of this work is to present an updated taxonomic synopsis of the Potentilleae in Argentina. MM in addition to material collected in the field. Results and Conclusions: In Argentina, 3 genera with 5 species and 2 forms were recognized for the Potentilleae tribe, differing in a dichotomous key by vegetative, floral and carpological characters. The name of the authors of a species was legitimized and a form was lectotypified. The distribution of one species was broadened and the presence of another was rectified. The Potentilleae inhabit trails, pastures, herbaceous stratum of the Yungas, in open spaces and at elevations from 600-2600 meters above sea level. They grow in riparian environments and in abandoned crops.
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