X-ray spectroscopic studies of Hybrid X-pinches with 20ps time resolution

international conference on plasma science(2021)

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We are planning detailed spectroscopic studies of the X-ray bursts produced by hybrid X-pinches using a ~20 ps time resolution X-ray streak camera and ~700 ps resolution filtered silicon diodes. The purpose is to investigate whether the X-ray spectroscopic features associated with radiative collapse can be seen in the X-ray bursts produced by the Hybrid X-pinches. A nickel wire has been used as the load and time integrated L and K-shell spectra were recorded on imaging plates. In addition, silicon diodes were focused on specific emission lines from the X-ray spectrometer crystals to track their intensity evolution. Time-resolved temperature and density measurements can be estimated throughout the implosion and expansion phases from these diagnostics. Time-resolved source size measurements are also being carried out using the ~20 ps time resolved streak camera to determine the change of the spot size on a picosecond timescale. Sufficiently high magnification studies are being carried to determine the source size in the 1-10 µm range.
X-ray bursts,silicon diodes,X-ray spectrometer crystals,density measurements,time-resolved source size measurements,high magnification studies,X-ray spectroscopic study,time resolution,spectroscopic study,hybrid X-pinches,time resolved streak camera,time resolution X-ray streak camera,K-shell spectra,time 20.0 ps,time 700.0 ps,size 1.0 mum to 10.0 mum
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