Aplicação de protótipo de microscópio de baixo custo como estratégia para o ensino de ciências e conscientização ambiental

Isabela Maria Martins,Aline da Graça Sampaio,Gabriela dos Santos Simões, Júlia Gaspar Barbosa Corrêa, Caroline Souza Senkiio, Laura Caldini Fujii,Mariana Raquel da Cruz Vegian,Maria Alcionéia Carvalho de Oliveira e Campos,Lady Daiane Pereira Leite, Clélia Aparecida de Paiva,Suzelei Rodgher,Cristiane Yumi Koga-Ito

Extensão Tecnológica: Revista de Extensão do Instituto Federal Catarinense(2021)

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Practical science classes are important methodological resources for teaching-learning process. However, many Brazilian public schools have poor laboratory structure, which hampers the development of practical activities. This extension project aimed to report the development of an interdisciplinary pedagogical strategy covering contents of biology, optics and environmental education, through the construction and application of a microscope prototype, made with low-cost and reusable electro-electronic materials. One hundred and twenty-six students from public elementary schools participated in the project. Workshops were held with theoretical and dynamic classes covering: i) a theoretical and dynamic class addressing concepts about cell, microscope physics and environmental education (solid and electro-electronic waste, recycling and reuse of waste, separation, and accountability), ii) a practical activity with the construction of a microscope prototype with recycled and reusable electronics and iii) evaluative questionnaire. The activity was based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs - ONU), aiming at a quality education and responsible consumption and production. Besides, it was based on the concept of observation and experimentation as a didactic strategy for assimilating information. The results indicated an improvement in the students’ understanding of the concepts of waste and cell, as well as the operation of a microscope, confirming that the activity improved the teaching-learning process. The low cost and easy operable prototype can improve the infrastructure of the schools, besides being an interesting tool to distance education.
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