Telecontrol of Prosthetic Robot Hand Using Myo Armband

2021 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control & Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS)(2021)

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Bionic prosthetic hands are widely utilised to support people who have upper limb amputations and incapability by making it movable and controllable. However, the price of bionic prosthetic arms in the current market is quite expensive, hence limiting people from owning it. Nevertheless, Myo Armband appears to provide fine hand movement and sensitive to input, making it a suitable alternative to gesture-based wireless control. Hence, in this project, it will be used to read and control signals for the 3d printed robotic prosthetic arm. The control of prosthetic robot arm is achieved by sensing the gestures of amputees' upper limb. Bluetooth is used for the wireless communication between Myo armband and the computer, while communication between computer and the prosthetic robot arm used serial communication. It is observed that fist gestures from Myo armband controlling the prosthetic robot hand have been successfully achieved. The proposed configuration can be used in human-robot interaction and telecontrol studies.
Myo Armband,Electromyography,Prosthetic Robot Hand,3D Robot Hand
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