Beam Profiling with Noise Reduction From Computer Vision and Principal Component Analysis for the MAGIS-100 Experiment

Joseph Jachinowski,Natasha Sachdeva,Tim Kovachy

2021 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements &amp Applications (CAMA)(2022)

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MAGIS-100 is a long-baseline atom interferometer that operates as a quantum sensor. It will search for dark matter, probe fundamental quantum science, and serve as a prototype gravitational wave detector in the 0.3 to 3~Hz frequency range. The experiment uses light-pulse atom interferometry where pulses of light create the atom optics equivalents of beamsplitters and mirrors. Laser beam aberrations are a key source of systematic error for MAGIS-100, and accurately characterizing the laser beam spatial profile is therefore essential. In this paper, we describe a new and efficient beam profiling technique. We use a low-cost CMOS camera affixed to a translating and rotating optomechanical mount to image the beam, then employ computer vision and principal component analysis to minimize background noise and produce accurate beam profiles for a laser incident on a variety of aberration-inducing optical elements.
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Key words
noise reduction,computer vision,principal component analysis,MAGIS-100 experiment,long-baseline atom interferometer,quantum sensor,dark matter,probe fundamental quantum science,prototype gravitational wave detector,3 Hz frequency range,light-pulse atom interferometry,atom optics equivalents,beamsplitters,mirrors,laser beam aberrations,key source,systematic error,laser beam spatial profile,new beam profiling technique,efficient beam profiling technique,low-cost CMOS camera,translating,rotating optomechanical mount,background noise,accurate beam profiles,laser incident,aberration-inducing optical elements,frequency 0.3 Hz to 3.0 Hz
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