Optoelectronic and Environmental Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Crowd-Sourced Vehicle-Mounted License Plate Recognition

M. C. Rademeyer,A. Barnard,M. J. Booysen

IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems(2020)

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License plate recognition (LPR) technology has been used to combat vehicle-related crime in urban areas in many developed contexts. However, commercially available LPR systems are expensive and not feasible for large scale adoption in developing countries. The development of a low-cost crowd-sourced solution requires an informed approach to the selection of an appropriate camera, as well as a realistic understanding of the system's performance under various environmental conditions. This work investigates the effect of optoelectronic and environmental factors on the ability of a vehicle-mounted LPR system to correctly identify license plates, specifically for a mass-deployment crowd-sourced scenario. A theoretical LPR camera model was developed to estimate the effect of different cameras, while the effects of motion, orientation and lighting were evaluated in a series of experimental tests. The most influential optoelectronic factors were shown to be focus, focal length and image sensor resolution. Furthermore, recognition was impaired during high-speed turn maneuvers, angling of license plates away from the camera and certain night-time conditions. The optoelectronic model proved useful for the selection of a cost-effective camera for use in an open-source LPR system. Moreover, the study of environmental factors provided valuable insight into the limitations of LPR systems in various environmental and traffic conditions.
Crowdsourcing,number plate recognition,law enforcement,developing countries,operating conditions,optical specifications
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