Effect of toyF on wuyiencin and toyocamycin production by Streptomyces albulus CK-15


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Streptomyces albulus CK-15 produces various secondary metabolites, including the antibiotics wuyiencin and toyocamycin, which can reportedly control a broad range of plant fungal diseases. The production of these nucleoside antibiotics in CK-15 is regulated by two biosynthesis gene clusters. To investigate the potential effect of toyocamycin biosynthesis on wuyiencin production, we herein generated S. albulus strains in which a key gene in the toyocamycin biosynthesis gene cluster, namely toyF , was either deleted or overexpressed. The toyF deletion mutant ∆toyF did not produce toyocamycin, while the production of wuyiencin increased by 23.06% in comparison with that in the wild-type (WT) strain. In addition, ΔtoyF reached the highest production level of wuyiencin 4 h faster than the WT strain (60 h vs. and 64 h). Further, toyocamycin production by the toyF overexpression strain was two-fold higher than by the WT strain, while wuyiencin production was reduced by 29.10%. qRT-PCR showed that most genes in the toyocamycin biosynthesis gene cluster were expressed at lower levels in ∆toyF as compared with those in the WT strain, while the expression levels of genes in the wuyiencin biosynthesis gene cluster were upregulated. Finally, the growth rate of ∆toyF was much faster than that of the WT strain when cultured on solid or liquid medium. Based on our findings, we report that in industrial fermentation processes, ∆toyF has the potential to increase the production of wuyiencin and reduce the timeframe of fermentation.
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Biosynthesis,toyF gene,Wuyiencin,Toyocamycin,Streptomyces,Secondary metabolites
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