
Estimation of Coregonus ussuriensis age, growth, and maturation in China's Amur River


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This study examined the age, growth, and maturation of 1,064 Coregonus ussuriensis individuals that were collected monthly from the middle section of the Amur River, China between 2016 and 2018. The fork length (FL) ranged from 14.9 to 49.1 cm for males and 21.5 to 58.8 cm for females, and the body weight (BW) ranged from 72.6 to 1,348.7 g for males and 107.9 to 2,854.9 g for females. The relationship of BW and FL was expressed as: BW male = 0.0324 x FL2.708; BW female = 0.014 x FL2.963. The sample ages ranged from 2 to 8 years for males and 2 to 9 years for females. We used the von Bertalanffy function based on otolith reading and observed FL data to simulate Coregonus ussuriensis growth, which has been suggested to be similar to that of other Salmonidae fishes. No significant difference in growth was determined between males and females. The monthly gonad somatic index (GSI) value ranged from 0.16% to 1.69% for males and from 0.73% to 16.15% for females, with a peak in November. Additionally, the reproductive staging suggested that the Coregonus ussuriensis spawning season was mainly in November and December. The size at maturity (FL50%) for males and females was 34.9 cm and 37.9 cm respectively, and the corresponding age (T-50%) was 4.5 and 5.1, respectively. This study provides basic information for understanding the biological characteristics of Coregonus ussuriensis and should aid in the assessment and management of fishery resources.
Coregonus ussuriensis, Age and growth, Maturity, Amur River
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