Precision Agriculture Using Cloud-Based Mobile Application for Sensing and Monitoring of Farms

Advances in Intelligent Systems and ComputingEmerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security(2021)

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Agriculture is the primary source of food supply for all countries in the world. The issue of agriculture has always been hampering the growth and development of the country. To further improve this condition, we need to deploy smart and precision agriculture by revamping the old methods of agriculture. Hence, the paper aims at making agriculture smart and precise by using Internet of things (IoT) technologies. This paper proposes a system design for an IoT-based agriculture monitoring system. It also suggests a cloud-based mobile application for easy monitoring and analyzing the farms at the farmer’s point of view. The proposed work deals with real-time observation by efficiently using the most reliable sensors. The main features of this works are the integration of various agriculture-related sensors such as moisture, temperature, and humidity with the Raspberry Pi and a mobile application. It also stores the recorded data on a ThinkSpeak cloud for future prediction and improving the quality of the crop. This work integrates a passive infrared sensor (PIR) to monitor the intrusion of animals or human interference. The live monitoring of the sensor’s values using cloud computing and a mobile-based application was also analyzed. The proposed system prototype was successfully implemented, executed, and tested. It is a low cost, easy to use for the farmers to efficiently monitor their farms and to improve the crop quality by reducing the wastage of energy and resources.
Cloud computing, Internet of things (IoT), Mobile application, Precision agriculture, Sensor networks
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