Research on Digital Elevation Model Using GNSS-IR Technology


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With the continuous in-depth research on the emerging technology of GNSS remote sensing, GNSS-IR technology is widely used in various environmental remote sensing. It is a new attempt to use this technology to interpret digital elevation models. This article explains the theoretical mechanism of using GNSS-IR technology to interpret digital elevation models., The signal-to-noise ratio data of different azimuths and elevation angles, calculate the difference between the reflection height parameter and the height of the station, and calculate the first Fresnel reflection zone (FFZ) corresponding to different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) reflection component sequences), and finally assign the value to the corresponding grid to interpret the digital elevation model of the site. In order to verify the feasibility of the theory, this paper selects a flat bare ground as the experimental site, and uses different receivers for analysis. The experimental results show that the height of the station retrieved by GNSS-IR technology is slightly different from the actual height of the station. The preliminary research results verify the feasibility of using GNSS-IR technology to interpret digital elevation models, and provide an important reference for the subsequent use of GNSS-IR technology to interpret digital elevation models of complex terrain.
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GNSS-IR, SNR, Digital elevation model
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