Comparing Two Webcam-Based Eye Gaze Trackers for Users with Severe Speech and Motor Impairment

Smart Innovation, Systems and TechnologiesResearch into Design for a Connected World(2019)

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This paper aims to develop and evaluate two different webcam-based gaze-controlled interfaces for users with severe speech and motor impairment (SSMI). We configured two webcam-based gaze trackers using open-source software (Python and JavaScript) and developed cursor control algorithm using the gaze tracker. We designed a quiz application to evaluate the webcam-based gaze trackers for both users with SSMI and their able-bodied counterparts. We also collected data using a commercial infrared-based eye gaze tracker. We noted that users with SSMI and able- bodied users could use the webcam-based gaze-controlled interface. It was found that for users with SSMI, speed of interaction was significantly faster for a low-cost infrared-based commercial gaze. Results from this study can be used to develop as well as select low-cost eye gaze trackers for users with SSMI. This might be the first study to evaluate webcam-based gaze trackers in a gaze-controlled interface for users with different range of abilities
Eye gaze tracker, Gaze-controlled interface, Landmark detection, Assistive technology
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