Preliminary Results of the Analysis of REE Distribution and 87Sr/86Sr Ratios in Organic and Mineral Sources from Paleolithic Sites in the Orkhon Valley, Mongolia

Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental SciencesGeoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy(2022)

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We present a description of stratigraphic profiles and paleontological remains from three Paleolithic sites in the Orkhon River valley, central Mongolia. The Orkhon-1 and Orkhon-7 sites contain cultural sequences spanning the Final Middle through Upper Paleolithic periods (ca. 50–12 kya), where cultural horizons are divided by archaeologically sterile layers of significant thickness. The Moiltyn-am site is an exception where archaeological materials were found in every lithological layer, albeit impacted by post-depositional changes. The analysis of the distribution of rare, trace, and rare earth elements (REE) and Sr isotopic composition indicate that accumulation of sediments at the Moiltyn-am site occurred under semi-arid to semi-humid climatic conditions and that the climate did not change significantly during the period of the site’s occupation. 87Sr/86Sr ratios for samples extracted from ungulate teeth found at the Orkhon-1 and Orkhon-7 sites indicate that these animals lived in another region during the first years of their lives. This constitutes evidence of equids and bovids migrating between regions.
Mongolia, Orkhon Valley, Paleolithic, Pleistocene, Paleoclimate, Ungulates, Sr isotopes, 87Sr/86Sr ratio, REE, Bos (Poephagus) baikalensis
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