Ecological and floristic characteristics of two new heather (Caluna vulgaris (L.) Hull) sites in Djerdap National Park

Bulletin of the Faculty of ForestryGlasnik Sumarskog fakulteta(2020)

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Two new heather (Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull.) sites, located in Djerdap National park, on plagioclastic gneiss and podsolised dystric brown soil are described in this paper. Heather is the dominant species in the plant community with beech on these sites (Calluno-Fagetum moesiacae Cvj. 2003). This community is floristically poor and edaphically conditioned. Beech (Fagus sylvatica. subsp. moesiaca (Maly) Czeczott) is the only species in the tree layer, while heather dominates in the ground layer. According to the spectrum of areal types, mesic plant species of middleeuropean distribution type are dominant, with a significant share of plants of the xerothermous submediterranean distribution type. According to the biological spectrum, hemicryptophytes dominate in this community with a significant share of chamaephytes, which indicates deteriorated site conditions. According to the moisture requirements, the community is xeromesophillous, acidophillous according to soil reaction, according to the nitrogen content in soil it is highly oligotrophic, according to the light it is semi-tolerant, and according to the warmth requirement the community is mesothermic. The community of beech and heather represents a degradation stage of beech forests.
caluna vulgaris,floristic characteristics,new heather
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