Maximum energy efficiency on photovoltaic solar panels by using an innovative solar tracker

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(2020)

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Abstract The solutions currently used for the acquisition of solar energy are based on fixed mechanical structures, in which the photovoltaic panels are either ground-mounted or building-integrated, positioned on suitable rooftops. Both solutions involve the partial take-over of solar energy, thus a reduced energy efficiency of the photovoltaic installation. The solution proposed by the authors of the paper has an innovative mechanical construction and a mixed mode of operation, which combines the secular way with that of the tracking. The operation of the solar tracker presented in the paper is based on the programming in LabVIEW, with the use of a general module for the acquisition/generation of analogue and digital signals. The design developed by the authors has a simple mechanical construction, and the positioning considers the clock of the PC, so that the initial positioning (at start-up) is done in a simplified manner, regardless of the geographical placement of the tracker. The authors performed experiments in the laboratory and in the field, the results being consistent with the theoretical assumptions.
photovoltaic solar panels,maximum energy efficiency
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