Animal sciences in the secondary classroom: Considering didactic strategies available through distance learning

Natural Sciences Education(2021)

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The coronavirus pandemic of 2019 transformed the way that educators, across all levels and disciplines, seek to establish and provide a pedagogically sound curriculum. With the continued need to transform curriculum into an online format, secondary‐level animal science instructors have several points to consider if their applied discipline will now be rooted in a virtual format. Educators can commence with crafting a logical course structure that remains cognizant of the challenges, and opportunities, posed by teaching online. Subsequently, educators can explore different opportunities available through educational technology (i.e., digital notebooks, asynchronous discussions, guest speakers, etc.) that can then be employed to meet course objectives. For example, educators can inquire with school‐site administration and inter‐/intra‐district colleagues about technology that has already been adopted by their institution. Altogether, this communication aims to express that modern challenges can be addressed with modern solutions, which integrate past and novel pedagogical strategies. In this way, secondary‐level courses, such as those centered in the animal sciences, can thrive amid the novel upheaval to contemporary education.
secondary classroom,didactic strategies,learning
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