Methodology of comprehensive approach to the choice of system structure monitoring of dangerous and harmful factors

Bulletin of NTU "KhPI". Series: Problems of Electrical Machines and Apparatus Perfection. The Theory and Practice(2020)

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The article shows that the main requirement for the development of a management system for ensuring safe conditions and labor protection is the elimination of incomplete interconnections between the necessary information and the tasks solved within, it allows the implementation of such an open control system, in these conditions it would make it possible to implement the target functions of safety and protection. us labor. In the process of analyzing the impact indicators among their entire set, there is a need to select the most influential in terms of achieving the final qualitative result - the impact and the possibility of monitoring and analyzing the level of labor safety and health. Moreover, the main core of such an OSH management system is a system for monitoring hazardous and harmful factors of the working environment, which is built on the basis of an integrated approach to the structure of controlling harmful and hazardous industrial factors. It is shown that the essence of the monitoring system lies in the interconnection of technical, pro-software and methodological support with the need for mutual control of observation results, adjustments of practical actions in the field of occupational safety and health. It is shown that monitoring of hazardous and harmful factors is one of the main functions of the labor protection management system, which is aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of response in the field of labor protection at all levels of control, compliance with norms, rules and modes of safe functioning of the production system. The block diagram of the tasks of monitoring dangerous and harmful factors in the context of an integrated approach is given. Moreover, such tasks include the tasks of forming indicators of the impact on the level of efficiency of labor protection, the task of determining the interval for monitoring hazardous and harmful factors, which would satisfy the requirements for monitoring the dynamics of changes in the factors of the working environment, and the requirements for managing the levels of hazardous or harmful factors. It is shown that one of the main monitoring functions is the function of predicting the development trends of hazardous and harmful factors, which is an obligatory component in the occupational safety management system of the production system, which makes it possible to plan the necessary measures to prevent such cases. It is shown that from the point of view of simplicity of implementation, calculation time, taking into account the requirements for forecasting methods, in the first place should be put adaptive forecasting methods, in particular the exponential smoothing model. The final monitoring function is the function of assessing the level of exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors, which includes a methodology for assessing risks, is based on determining the levels of harmful effects of risk factors and the degree of their influence on the human body and a comprehensive assessment of factors of the working environment.
system structure monitoring,harmful factors,methodology
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