Review of Work-Life Balance Theories

GATR Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR) Vol. 8(4) OCT-DEC 2020GATR Global Journal of Business Social Sciences Review(2020)

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Objective - This paper’s objective is to make a comprehensive compilation of the various theories used in studies of work-life balance (WLB) in order to understand their usage. Methodology/Technique – Based on past literature, this paper focused on review of relevant literature from various online data bases as well as manual texts of studies on WLB with particular attention on the theories used. Using descriptive layout, the paper gives adequate review of WLB theories. Finding – This paper found that there are numerous prevailing theories on WLB explaining the relationships in various WLB studies. Such as Overall Appraisal, Structural Functionalism, Enhancement, Facilitation, Segmentation Spill-over, Compensation, Conservation, Conflict, Human Capital, Congruence, Ladder, Instrumental, Resource drain, Ecology, Border, Boundary and Integration Theories. Based on literature, this paper found that Boundary theory and Border theory are the two major foundation theories used in many studies to explain the different aspects of WLB. Novelty - This paper found that there are no universally accepted theories for WLB. Theories used on WLB studies depend on the range of the study’s framework, variables or perspectives of the study. This leads to omissions or overlapping in frameworks. Type of Paper: Review JEL Classification: B54, D63, E24, J24. Keywords: Work-life Balance; WLB Concepts; Work-Life Balance Theories; Family-Work Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Bello, Z; Tanko, G.I. (2020). Review of Work-Life Balance Theories, GATR Global J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Review, 8(4): 217 – 227.
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