Empowering telemedicine – essential for neurologic and ophthalmologic conditions in the context of a pandemic and beyond

Romanian Journal of Neurology(2020)

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In this paper we discuss the importance of telemedicine in two parts – first, regarding two of the common and disa-bling nervous system disorders: Parkinson’s disease and stroke; and the second part, regarding the screening for diabetic retinopathy. We also debate on possible links between these medical conditions. More and more connections between pathologies are discovered every day; sometimes unimagined. In order to prevail over the diseases causing today’s burden, we must work together, collaborate and understand that there could be no boundaries in the complexity of diseases. With the recent progress in medicine, but also in telecommunication, the remote diagnosis, screening and monitoring of illnesses, is now up-to-date more than ever. It is our task to embrace the future perspectives and to adapt in order to benefit from these concepts. We believe that through telemedicine, more patients will have access to quality healthcare services and ultimately improve their quality of life.
telemedicine,computer interface,network,machine learning,parkinson’s disease,stroke,diabetic retinopathy,tele-neurology,tele-ophthalmology
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