The role of future science and technologies in water management

Murray-Darling Basin, Australia(2021)

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Abstract Water decision-making in the Murray–Darling Basin by government agencies, utilities, water holders, and farmers is complex and involves use of technical, environmental, economic, social, and cultural information. Confidence in the decisions is dependent upon the quality of the information, the transparency of the process used to generate the information, the availability of the data and information used, and the quality and transparency of the models used to bring together different data and information sources. This chapter discusses likely scenarios for how current and future science and technology might improve information availability in the Murray–Darling Basin and contribute to improved decision-making. Possible future changes to information availability are discussed in three decision-making timeframes: near-term (now to next fortnight), seasonal (months to seasons ahead), and strategic (climatological timescales).
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future science,water,technologies
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