Molecular Taxonomy of some Species of Genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae) in Kurdistan Region, Iraq التصنیف الجزیئی لبعض انواع الجنس Salvia L. (العائلة الشفویة) فی اقلیم کردستان ، العراق

Journal of Plant Production(2020)

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Genus Salvia, commonly known as sage, is the largest genus in the Lamiaceae family.A phylogenetic analysis was conducted using sequences that were studied. The current study was reached to the identification of Salvia L. taxa family (Lamiaceae) in Kurdistan Region,Iraq.The study concluded that the current diagnosis of (5) taxa in different areas of Iraq these taxa were (Salvia spinosa, Salvia palaestina, Salvia viridis, Salvia multicaulis and Salvia syriaca).The objectives of this study were to explore the phylogenetic relationships and molecular taxonomy of five genus species Salvia, I studied the neighbour-joining tree of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the genus Salvia. The outcomes demonstrated the running of the achieved nucleotide of the Salvia in Mega X to show the similarity with other species of Salvia. The result shows the similarity with these five species and the tree divided into four clades, which are (clade 1,2,3, and 4).Which clade 1 consists of (Salvia spinosa and Salvia palaestina). Then the relationship between Salvia spinosa with the Salvia palaestina is about 79% in the same group in clade1 and the relationship between them. This group is also a sister relative by 99% with the species of Salvia syriaca in the clade 2. The clade 3 and clade 4 consist of (Salvia viridis & Salvia multicaulis) respectively, and the similarity of these two clades with the clade 1 and 2 is 79%.They were grouped into a different trichotomy in the surface of leaves, stems, and flowers. Most species were different and occurred in separated clades. The phylogenetic relationships of Salvia L. taxa consider the first study in Iraq.
lamiaceae,molecular taxonomy,genus,kurdistan region,species
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