Mbrs-38. molecular classification and clinical characteristics of 236 medulloblastomas in japan


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Abstract Recent intensive genomic and molecular biological analyses have made a consensus that medulloblastomas (MBs) are at least classified into four core subgroups, and the new 2016 WHO brain tumor classification has introduced the classification of MBs genetically defined in addition to classical histopathological diagnosis. To establish a nationwide network of a molecular diagnosis system for pediatric brain tumors, the JPMNG co-organized by the Japan Society for Neuro-Oncology and the Japanese Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery have started the clinical researches in 2012, and we have summarized results of molecular analysis of Japanese MBs. Total 236 primary MBs have been subclassified by gene expression profile using the NanoString nCounter system or DNA methylation array, and their single nucleotide mutations and copy number aberrations have been also examined. Mean follow up time was 68.9 months. Proportion of four core subgroups were WNT (16.9%), SHH (25.4%), Group 3 (17.4%) and Group 4 (40.3%), respectively. In cases of less than 3 years old, no WNT have been found and 63.2% cases were SHH. In cases between 3 to 17 years old, Group 4 is the most (47%), and these trends is almost consistent with published references. TP53 mutations were identified in 23.3% of SHH, and they were significantly poor prognosis. Metastatic or MYC gain Group 3 MBs were poor prognosis, while Group 4 MBs with loss of chromosome 11 or whole chromosomal aberration were good prognosis. These findings reveal molecular properties of Japanese MBs and will contribute to develop new therapeutic strategies.
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