Virtual Aircraft Technology Integration Platform: From Virtual Flight Testing towards Simulation-based Certification

AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum(2021)

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The development, testing and production of new aircraft are associated with considerable temporal and financial risks due to the product and manufacturing complexity. In order to accelerate the introduction of innovative technologies for more economical, more environmentally friendly and safer air vehicles and to better control the technological risks involved, DLR’s guiding concept \textit{The Virtual Product} aims at virtualizing the design, development and manufacturing processes, including the definition of an appropriate validation strategy. The availability of high fidelity simulation tools with the capability to model multidisciplinary phenomena is a decisive part in that context. High demands are put on the numerical methods and solvers as the tools must provide reliable results in a robust manner for the entire flight envelope where nonlinearities are prominent in most of the disciplines. A key technology is the ability to enable Virtual Flight Testing based on high-fidelity simulation tools. The progress made at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in the recent past regarding the development of methods and tools to perform virtual flight tests is presented in two papers. The first paper "Virtual Aircraft Technology Integration Platform: Ingredients for Multidisciplinary Simulation System and Virtual Flight Testing" gives an overview of the development of components required for virtual flight testing. The present paper outlines the methods, the framework, and the simulation models for particular applications, the virtual system identification flights of a medium size jet transport. Aerodynamics, structural dynamics, flight mechanics and propulsion are considered for the massively-parallel, time-domain simulations.
virtual flight testing,aircraft,certification,simulation-based
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