Short circuit current control device to increase the efficiency of power supply systems

POWER ENGINEERING: economics, technique, ecology(2020)

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Amid growing levels of short-circuit currents, issues related to increasing the efficiency of methods and means of limiting short-circuit currents are central in the context of development of Ukraine’s energy sector. A key factor here is intensifying pace of decreasing electricity losses in power supply production systems (PSPS), which could be achieved through implementation of new and improved efficiency of existing methods and means of limiting short circuit currents. The scientific and practical relevance of improving the functioning of credit limit short – circuit (short circuit), formulated the goal and objectives of research. As a solution proposed research and the way to manage complex limitation of short circuit currents in electricity supply production systems under the reactor – controlled shunt. The algorithm of the system reactor – controlled shunt. For the first time the schemes cause – effect relationships occurrence of short – circuit currents – Figure Ysikavy according to ISO 9004. The proposed method of limiting short circuit currents in the PSPS and the suite for its implementation under the controlled shunt reactor scheme fully compensates for all the disadvantages that occur when limiting short circuit currents in the PSPS under the unregulated shunt reactor scheme. It should also be noted that the limitation of short circuit currents in the PSPS under the controlled shunt reactor scheme has certain advantages over other means of limiting short circuit currents.
current control device,short circuit,power supply systems
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