Self-learning Agents for Spatial Synthesis

Formal Methods in ArchitectureAdvances in Science, Technology & Innovation(2021)

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Over the last decades, a vast repertoire of computational methods has been employed for the synthesis of spatial configuration. Many of these techniques, such as the long-standing black-box optimization or the recent generative adversarial networks, enable a quick exploration of the design solutions based on destructive operations, but encapsulate the generative process, promoting disruptive turn-taking between computer and designer. In contrast, techniques based on agents naturally provide partial design information and enable fine-grained interaction. However, existing agent-based models originate from non-architectural problems, so it is not straightforward to adapt them for spatial design. To address this gap, we present a method to create custom spatial agents that can satisfy architectural requirements. While the method can be adapted to a diversity of representations and goals, we focus on a proof of concept where agents control spatial partitions (represented as polyominoes with no holes) and interact in an environment represented as a grid. The agents learn how to satisfy its individual (shape, area, etc.) and collective goals (adjacency) using multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. In this paper, we focus on the formulation of the environment, agents, and goals and present simulations of trained agents to illustrate possible variations.
Space planning,Interactive generative systems,Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
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