Thermography in Biomedicine

Biomedical Computing for Breast Cancer Detection and DiagnosisAdvances in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering(2021)

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The historical details are important to understand the development and application of thermography with particular emphasis on its application in medicine, explained on breast cancer detection. Today, recommendations for breast cancer include the use of mammography as the gold standard screening method. In public health, the importance of screening women for possible breast cancer is indisputable, especially in light of the fact that the size of the cancer directly corresponds to the success of the cure. A method that will allow early detection of cancer and/or successful follow-up of postoperative or adjuvant treatment is unquestionable. Thermography as a non-invasive method is harmless and therefore enables repetition without harmful radiation to the patient, unlike mammography. These features should be sufficient to empower its application. However, its breakthrough does not proceed as expected. This chapter particularly emphasizes the importance of conducting studies in a uniform manner to enable the collected data to be comparable appropriately with the methods used so far.
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