Contribution of Primary γ′ Precipitates in the Deformation Creep Mechanisms in the Ni-Based Polycrystalline AD730TM Superalloy

Superalloys 2020The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series(2020)

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TEM characterization of the deformation micromechanisms in the case of AD730TM disk superalloy has been performed in order to identify the relevant parameters controlling its creep behavior at 700 °C under 600 or 850 MPa. The creep behavior has been investigated for different microstructures resulting from different heat treatments: a coarse grain (CG) and a fine grain microstructures (FG). The specific influence of the primary γ′Primary ′ precipitates precipitates, which are only present in the fine grain microstructure, is of main focus. TEM observations indicate that, in the first stage of the creep deformation, primary γ′ precipitatesPrimary ′ precipitates may act as dislocation sources. The stability of this phase was confirmed using samples aged at 850 °C for several hundreds of hours. TEM spectroscopy has been used to characterize the local chemical composition after aging. A clear evolution of these primary γ′ precipitatesPrimary ′ precipitates has been evidenced and a dissolution of the secondary γ′ precipitates during aging. The presence of these primary γ′ precipitatesPrimary ′ precipitates induces a strong localization of the deformation. Its detrimental effect on the creep properties in the case of polycrystalline Ni-based superalloy at high temperature may be concluded.
polycrystalline ad730tm superalloy,deformation creep mechanisms,ni-based
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