Detection of Attacks and Attack-Survivable Routing in Carrier Networks

Computer Communications and NetworksGuide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks(2020)

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As optical networks represent critical infrastructure supporting the digital society, they are an enticing target of malicious man-made attacks aimed at disrupting services or gaining access to the carried information by breaching the physical-layer. Optical network security management encompasses prevention, detection and reaction to attacks and is becoming increasingly important. In the face of the ever-growing amount, dynamicity and heterogeneity of traffic straining the network, new solutions are necessary to enhance the ability of the optical network to detect physical-layer security breaches and recover from them in a quick, effective and autonomous manner. In spite of the intensifying efforts, many theoretical and practical challenges remain to be solved before optical networks can attain the necessary agility in cognitive management, including attack detection and recovery. This chapter provides an overview of prerequisites of attack cognition and approaches to detect, identify and recover from service disruption stemming from physical-layer security breaches.
carrier networks,attacks,routing,attack-survivable
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