Adaptive Pressure Profile Method to Locate the Isolator Shock Train Leading Edge Given Limited Pressure Information

AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum(2020)

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To maximize the performance of high-speed air-breathing engines, such as dual-mode scramjets, the streamwise location of the shock train leading edge (STLE) is ideally placed as far upstream in the isolator as possible while avoiding engine unstart. Thus, it is of interest to quantify and control the STLE location as the vehicle travels along its flight trajectory. The STLE location is typically quantified using wall static pressure measurements but there are often restrictions on the number and placement of transducers, thus reducing the accuracy and overall capability of STLE detection methods. In this work, the Adaptive Pressure Profile (APP) method is introduced to address such sparsity concerns. This method is data driven and does not heavily rely on prior information about the flow regime or engine model. Instead, the \mname method uses real-time pressure measurements from a small number of transducers to adaptively learn the isolator pressure profile. This adaptively-learned profile is fit to the pressure data at each time instance to estimate STLE location. The \mname method produces accurate estimates even when (1) the STLE location is not bounded by two or more transducers or (2) when the STLE location is between two transducers that are situated several duct heights apart. Data from two direct-connect isolator models are used to evaluate the accuracy of the \mname method and demonstrate its robustness for different back-pressure scenarios and transducer configurations.
isolator shock train,adaptive pressure profile method
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