A közúti áruszállítás szerepe az árumozgatásban, és a tevékenység során kibocsátott káros anyagok mennyiségének változása

Műszaki Katonai Közlöny(2020)

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Harmful emissions from transport participants are largery responsible for the climate change. Significant emissions are generated during logistics and freight transport, so besides the examination of passenger vehicles, serious emphasis should be placed on the investigation and reduction of the emissions of freight vehicles today. In this article, I examine the proportion of road freight transport vehicles in the currently used freight transport instruments and the related European emission standards system. The purpose of my study is to map data that indicates the location and amount of freight vehicles used, and to provide information on the current level of emission limit values for these vehicles. The results presented below serves as the basis of my future research, by reason of my plans to examine the relationship between the emission of goods and the associated inventory level.
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