Gastro-Splenic Fistula Related to Large B Cell Lymphoma

Diana Triantafyllopoulou, Ioannis Gkikas,Jagdish Adiyodi,Iain Crossingham, Shofiq Al-Islam, Muhammad Shahbaz Alam,Neil Sahasrabudhe,Ambareen Kausar,Ali Bin Ayub,Hazel Cowburn, Lisa Fox, Maqsood Punekar, Marian Macheta, Reuben Tooze

Reports — Medical Cases, Images, and Videos(2020)

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We report a case of spontaneous gastrosplenic fistula in a 57 year old female who presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain and weight loss. From the physical examination, she had a palpable abdominal mass. A CT scan was performed and showed a mass involving the proximal greater curve of the stomach, infiltrating the spleen and pancreas. There was a 12 mm defect in the cardia of the stomach with gas entering the large mass but there was no free gas in the abdomen. The defect was a gastrosplenic fistula. A gastroscopic biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Surgical removal of the mass was not feasible; therefore she was treated with RCHOP chemotherapy, achieving complete remission.
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gastrosplenic fistula (GSF),diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
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