Chapter 3. Being a Scientist: The Role of Practical Research Projects in School Science

Engaging Learners with ChemistryAdvances in Chemistry Education Series(2020)

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Practical research projects are a feature of school science provision in several countries, very often linked to a belief that studying science in the context of real-life questions has benefits for students in relation to both academic performance and motivation to study science. To assess the impact of practical research projects on students, a mixed-methods study was undertaken comprising a systematic review of the literature together with students and teacher interviews. The review encompasses 39 papers reporting on work from 12 countries. The review indicates that practical research projects are often associated with wider initiatives such as authentic science, problem-based learning and project-based learning. The review demonstrates that there is considerable variability in the nature of practical research projects work in relation to their focus, models of provision, methods of assessment, the involvement of external partners such as universities and employers and funding. The review points to benefits of undertaking practical research projects including learning of science ideas, affective responses to science, views of pursuing careers involving science and development of a range of skills. Student interviews show that views of practical research projects were largely positive. Students felt that the projects provided them with an authentic experience of being a scientist and influenced their future career and study choices. Teacher interviews indicate that views of practical research projects were also positive, with projects being seen as motivational for their students. Some concerns were expressed over time demands. Teachers also felt that involvement with the projects provided them with good professional development and professional satisfaction.
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school science,practical research projects,scientist
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