Comparing Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Solutions for the High Lift Common Research Airfoil


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Discretization error is a common source of uncertainty in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses. Traditional means of controlling discretization error through fixed-mesh refinement studies have proved to be difficult particularly when modeling complex geometries and flowfields. One reason for this is that mesh generation in today's production CFD workflow is often a labor-intensive process that is heavily dependent on user judgment. Unstructured mesh adaptation is known to be an efficient way to control discretization errors in CFD. Adaptive methods replace user-based decision-making with automated processes that optimize a mesh to reduce discretization error. This paper compares the application of multiple solution adaptive techniques in combination with multiple flow solvers to solve for the flowfield about a 2-Dairfoil section of the NASA High-Lift Common Research Model. By driving the adaptive mesh processes to a similar level of mesh convergence, the ability to achieve consistent results between multiple adaptive techniques and flow solvers is demonstrated. Mesh convergence for the various adaptive mesh approaches is compared, identifying potential areas for improvement and providing mesh generation guidance for future workshops.
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unstructured adaptive mesh solutions
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