Scientific School of Biological Faculty of Zaporizhzhia National University «Bioorganic chemistry»: achievements and future prospects

Vìsnik Zaporìzʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu. Bìologìčnì nauki(2019)

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An overview of the key topics and achievements of the Scientific School «Bioorganic Chemistry» for the period of 2017-2019 was performed. The main activity of the school included: search for biologically active substances of synthetic and vegetable origin, study of their physical and chemical properties and biological activity. The work of the school is devoted to nitrogen-containing heterocycles (pyridine, quinoline, acridine, tetrahydroacridine) and endogenous thiols with acids (cysteine, cysteine, lactate, etc.). During the reporting period, the researchers of the scientific school issued 6 monographs; 15 student handbooks; 62 papers published in refereed journals, including those in SCOPUS and Web of Science (9); obtained 5 national patents. Researchers of the School have participated in more than 80 conferences of regional, national and international levels. The monographs and patents, which were wined by the All-Ukrainian competition of the NAS of Higher Education of Ukraine were marked. The results of the work were implemented in the production activities of enterprises and organizations outside the university, as well as in the educational process of the biological department of ZNU. The involvement of researchers of the scientific school in grant activity was shown. At the end of the review further plans and perspectives are highlighted. Among them: the search for biologically active compounds to study their physicochemical properties and biological activity among N- and S-derivatives of azageterocycles and study of for the biological activity of complex compounds of medicinal plants; rational design, modern organic synthesis and study of biological models of potential radioprotective structures; organization the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern Issues in Biology, Ecology and Chemistry» (September 17-19, 2020); participation in open calls conducted by national and international funds.
zaporizhzhia national university,biological faculty,chemistry»,scientific school
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