Using Space Technology to Mitigate the Risk Caused by Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (CKDu)

Southern Space StudiesSpace Fostering Latin American Societies(2020)

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Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) is a severe problem in rural areas in developing countries. In El Salvador it is the fifth leading cause of death among the adult population. The etiology of the disease is unknown, suspected risk factors are inter alia the exposition to pesticides and to nephrotoxic heavy metals. In this publication we demonstrate an approach, how space technology can be used to mitigate the risk for CKDu. In this approach space technology is used in two ways: to determine the geolocation of a risk exposed person and to gain remote sensed data. Together with a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), the geolocation of a risk exposed person is used to deliver risk mitigation strategies tailored to the demand of the user. Remote sensed data (multi-spectral images) are used to create NDVI maps with the aim, to adjust agrochemical application rates to the only needed demand.
chronic kidney disease,space technology,ckdu
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