Remote Sensing and GIS Application for Shoreline Change Measurement in South East Coastal region of Tamil Nadu, India

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology(2020)

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This Present study attempt to highlights the ability of Geospatial Technology to explore the changes in the coastal tract. The study also find out some major changes in terms of erosion and deposition of 33 Years (1972 to 2013) through the toposheet and satellite datas. Arc GIS software used to address the amount of changes in the study area. The satellite datas includes Landsat, IRS P6 LISS 4M, TM and ETM has been used to bring out the shorelines. Changes were noticed from the imageries and a comparative study was undergone using GIS. The shoreline taken a length of 9.3 km and it buffered 3 km which contains 19.1 km2 of land and 22.62 km2 of sea in part of Cuddalore district, Tamil nadu. For the given study area base map (Fig. 1) expose details of coastal plain. Along with that Digital Shoreline Analysis System the tool provided by USGS can Work with GIS Platform help to identify and classify the rate of shore changes in terms of High or Low Erosion and Accretion based on Linear Regression Rate (LRR), It was a statistical approach in software carried out by fitting least square regression line to all shoreline points for a particular transect. The study area is under erosion with an average of -2.63m/year.
shoreline change measurement,remote sensing,south east coastal region,tamil nadu,gis application
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