Development of a licenced Faecal Microbiota Transplantation service for the treatment of patients in the NHS

Access Microbiology(2020)

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Introduction: Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is an effective and licensed treatment for recurrent and refractory Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) and has shown encouraging signals for treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC). Access to FMT has been limited by the introduction of new regulations in the UK. Centres producing FMT are now required to hold a manufacturing licence from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Methods:The first licenced FMT service in UK - University of Birmingham Microbiome Treatment Centre (UoBMTC) was launched in 2017. Policies and procedures were developed in accordance with MHRA ‘Good Manufacturing Practice’ guide. Results: Since August 2018, 132 FMT aliquots have been supplied for recurrent and refractory CDI to 39 NHS Trusts across UK. Twenty-nine of these Trusts did not have access / perform FMT prior to this service. In all cases, FMT was delivered within 48 hours (unless delayed delivery was requested). The service is the sole supplier of FMT since 2018 via an NHS Innovation and Technology Tariff. UoBMTC has also to date supplied 360 FMT aliquots for a multi-centre trial of FMT in UC (STOP-Colitis). Furthermore, the service has provided FMT to other refractory conditions within clinical settings. Conclusions: Development of a licenced FMT facility has greatly enhanced equality of access for this treatment across the NHS. FMT is provided at a zero-cost model for CDI and is available within 48 hours of request. UoBMTC continues to facilitate research in this field by providing FMT for clinical trials exploring its use for other indications.
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