Avaliação da implantação do laboratório de habilidades e simulação: percepções e vivências de docentes da graduação médica

Gerson da Silva Ximendes,Milena Colonhese Camargo, Flávia Ferrari, Andressa Christhinie Pires, Ilana Sobral de Luna,Airan Lobo da Costa,Lilian Francisco Arantes de Souza

Colloquium VitaeCOLLOQUIUM VITAE(2019)

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The present study had as objective to recognize the perceptions and experiences of teachers, regarding learning in the laboratory of skills and medical simulation of a university of the interior of São Paulo. This is a descriptive and exploratory research of a qualitative nature. The population under study is made up of the professors of the medical course of a university. The collected data were evaluated and presented in table form and percentages according to the content found in the evaluation, description and interpretation of the teachers' answers. All the teachers considered necessary the laboratory of simulations for the academic formation of the student of medicine, the main difference in behavioral terms noticed in the students after the installation of the Laboratory was greater security. It concludes the importance of the Laboratory of Skills and Simulation for the medical course as an anticipatory and realistic activity of the situations that will be experienced in the routine of the profession.
laboratório,habilidade clínica,docentes de medicina
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