Loss Minimization and Voltage Profile Improvement for Various buses in Radial Distribution System by Sizing and Placement of Capacitors and Distributed Generators

s Chethan,B S Ravishankar

2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT)(2019)

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To balance the increasing energy demand over energy production there is a technique where optimal placement of capacitors along with sizing of Distributed generators (DG) is used. This paper explains a simple methodology for voltage profile improvement and loss minimization which is carried by injecting active power from DG along with compensation of reactive power through capacitors using loss sensitivity factor concept. In this proposed methodology two capacitors and two DG's are considered for placement. Initially potential node is identified then capacitor location and its sizing is determined by calculating compensative reactive power. For DG sizing different penetration levels are considered. Finally loss minimization can be achieved at a specific penetration level which also includes less computation time, accurate result, less storage with simple algorithm. The proposed work is carried out using MATLAB or SIMULINK on 12, 33 and 69 radial bus distribution system.
Energy Demand,Voltage profile improvement,Active power,Loss sensitivity,potential node,loss minimization,Specific penetration level
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