Neurofeedback's first fifty years


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My 50 year contributions to EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback) started with animal studies in the 1960s – 1970s that was then applied to human subjects using 1 to 4 EEG recording channels in the 1970s until 2009 when I introduced 19 channel surface EEG Z score Neurofeedback. This was followed by LORETA Z score Neurofeedback in 2010 that increased specificity by targeting brain network hubs (Brodmann areas) and connections between hubs likely to the patient’s symptoms. Now in 2019 there are over 3,000 clinicians using Z score Neurofeedback with over 60 scientific publications. In 2019 I introduced swLORETA with 12,700 voxels with the capacity to conduct Cerebellar Neurofeedback and Neurofeedback of subcortical brain hubs such as the thalamus, amygdala and habenula with ongoing research in support of these new advances.
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