Pesticides in indoor dust – A possible important route for residents’ exposure

Environmental Epidemiology(2019)

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TPS 623: Exposures to pesticides, Johan Friso Foyer, Floor 1, August 26, 2019, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Approximately 30% of Dutch homes are located within 250 meters of agricultural fields. Concerns have been raised about the exposures of residents from these homes to pesticides. A possible source of exposure being contamination of indoor dust. Due to the lack of information on levels in homes close to agricultural fields, pesticides where measured in dust from newly placed clean doormats (ddm) and vacuumed floor dust (vfd). Homes located within 250 m from bulb fields were invited to participate in the study. Homes not having agricultural fields within 500 m were selected as controls. In total 96 homes (16 being controls) participated in the study. In all homes, dust was collected one week after a spraying event. Besides sampling during spraying season, we also sampled dust outside of the spraying season. For determination of pesticides in the dust, a multi-residue method was used based on quechers extraction and lc-ms/ms. a total of 46 pesticides were analyzed. We evaluated concentrations in dust of pesticides that were applied on bulbs during and outside spraying seasons. In addition, we compared concentrations in dust from homes located within 250 m from bulb fields and control locations. We assessed correlations between vfd and ddm as these types of samples provide information regarding routes for pesticide distribution in the environment that contribute to residents’ exposure via dust (e.g. air and drag-in). All of our samples have been collected, pesticide levels have been assessed, data analyzed and conclusions have been drawn. Results are currently embargoed but will be presented during the conference.
indoor dust,exposure,residents
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