Assessment of Transition Modeling Capability in OVERFLOW with Emphasis on Swept-Wing Configurations

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum(2020)

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In preparation for comparisons with data obtained from the recently concluded experiments in the National Transonic Facility at the NASA Langley Research Center on the new common research model with natural laminar flow (CRM-NLF), an assessment of the current transition modeling capability in the NASA OVERFLOW 2.2o code has been carried out. A combination of the available experimental data and linear stability analysis is used to evaluate the accuracy and robustness of these models for selected swept-wing type configurations, with significant crossflow. An additional goal for this work involves providing a comparative assessment of the relevant transition models in the context of a single flow solver and identifying model limitations as well as the potential for future improvements that would help strengthen the physical basis of such transition models. Included in this investigation is an assessment of the sensitivities of the underlying transition models to grid resolution (wall-normal, as well as streamwise and spanwise) and the values of extra input parameters such as the level of surface roughness and freestream turbulence variables. The flow configurations targeted in this assessment include the NASA NLF(2)-0415 swept-wing configuration, the sickle-shaped wing introduced by the Technical University of Braunschweig, and the wing-body configuration of the CRM model from the fourth and fifth AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshops.
transition modeling capability,overflow,swept-wing
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