Implementation of a Wireless Network for an ISP in the Alhajuela Community from Ecuador

Advances in Intelligent Systems and ComputingAdvances in Emerging Trends and Technologies(2019)

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This work was born as a necessity for the reality lived by the sectors far from our country, such as Alhajuela, we emphasize in research and significant contribution with the link to society, which requires thematic problems that can be solved satisfactorily with this type of implementations. The implementation of this wireless network, currently benefits more than 20 households whose population is engaged in agriculture, being outside the benefit and technological development, in many cases due to the high cost of investment in infrastructure, low population density and little economic interest generated by its location, in a rural area of Ecuador. Allowing them access to the Internet and increasingly shortening the existing digital divide in our country, showing reliable results with quantitative values in terms of existing connectivity, which allow to justify a significant growth, which supports universal access, which constitutes a citizen’s right. The project started with 25 Mbps and currently works with 50 Mbps, with the projection of continuing to grow, demonstrating the success of this work.
Wireless network, Link to society, Internet access, Alhajuela community
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