Internet usage among the vocational college student in johor towards information and communication integration

Noormalina Adenan,Yusmarwati Yusof

International Journal of Heritage, Art and Multimedia(2019)

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This research to identify internet usage among the student in Kolej Vokasional. The finding will show internet usage among students during the learning process. The student has used the internet to gain their knowledge. In this research, 267 respondents among the Year 4 students in Kolej Vokasional Batu Pahat were chosen as the respondent. The questionnaire is used as an instrument while collecting the data. All the data have then been analyzing using “Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences 24,0 (SPSS)”. The validity and reliability value for the instrument is 0.938 alpha value. Then descriptive statistics analysis used and show the frequency and means of the data. The result shows that internet usage among the student are at a high level with total means 4.40. While using the internet, it helps the student gain new knowledge and the internet became the new communication medium for the student in sharing knowledge and information with their friends. The dominant factor that contributed to the internet usage is due to the student’s attitude. Highly motivated students are interested in using the internet in the learning process.
internet,vocational college student,communication integration,johor
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