Identification of Anopheles sp. at Cibenda Urban Village Parigi Sub-District Pangandaran District

A Nurmalasari,U Ruhimat,D Setiawan, F Y Pradani,A Farihatun, N D Susilowati, R A Sunaryo, H Tussolihah

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2019)

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Abstract Malaria is an endemic parasitic disease that attacks countries with dense populations, which can reappear according to changes in natural phenomena, for example following environmental changes related to the growth of Anopheles sp. Anopheles sp. mosquitoes act as malaria vectors in the Southeast Asia region. Identification of Anopheles sp. species. is an important step to recognize the characteristics of various types of Anopheles sp. mosquito. Cibenda Village is located in the lowlands and borders the coast to be the mouth of the river and the waters of the Indonesian Ocean which allows the Anopheles sp. breeding. This study aims to determine the presence of Anopheles sp. in Cibenda Urban Village Parigi Sub District Pangandaran District as a risk factor for malaria transmission. This research is a descriptive research. The data obtained is presented in the form of tables and narratives. The examination method used is a microscopic methode. The conclusions of this study are founded of Anopheles sundaicus, Anopheles barbirostris, Anopheles subpictus, Anopheles vagus in in Cibenda Urban Village Parigi Sub District Pangandaran District which have potential as risk factors for malaria transmission.
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