Effect of ultrasound waves on hematological parameters, behavior and conduction system of heart in vitro in BALB/c strain mouse

Vibroengineering PROCEDIA(2019)

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In this study research was carried out on 5 male adult BALB/c mouse with a weight of 18±5 g. The temperature was at 22±2 °C and animals were kept under the condition of 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness (light on at 08:00 am) and free access to water and standard diet. All 5 mice were affected by three different harmonic oscillations one time and after 24 hours 4 of them were affected by the same oscillations (Fig. 1) and one was placed separately for control. At the end of the experiment, after euthanasia using CO2 chamber blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture. We noticed that ultrasound waves 20 MHz changed mice red blood cells structure and we found pathological forms of erythrocytes. Analysing morphological structure of erythrocytes were determined 46 abnormal red blood structure forms and atypical cells (30 codocytes, 8 stomatocytes and 8 acantocytes). Moreover, we determined that changed some normal behavior characteristics and increased grooming process.
ultrasound waves,hematological parameters,heart
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